We want to remind everyone that yoga is much more than an exercise class. It is first and foremost a healing modality. Now is not the time to be consumed by fear but to tap in to your body’s own intellect. Cease the power you have right at your fingertips in your own body to help stay healthy and happy.
Yoga is a mindful practice that by nature stimulates the immune system through:
Breath work to calm the mind and stimulate the vagus nerve.
Anatomical movements that stimulate nerve, blood and lymphatic flow.
Supported postures that help replenish the parasympathetic nervous system.
Meditation and movement to support a healthy, calm mind.
It’s easy to learn simple techniques through yoga and acupressure to help you stay healthy and get through this time of stress and uncertainty.
Viparita Karani also known as legs up the wall is a great immune booster.
We also offer infrared and nordic sauna therapy. Infrared saunas have been proved to strengthen your immune system and help your mind and body cope with stress. Purchase your session online. Book your time by calling/texting 805-260-0053 or email us.
We have 2 infrared saunas $25/session and a Nordic sauna $35/session. Discounted sauna series available.
We take care at the Yoga Shack to keep the floor and our props disinfected and have disinfectant wipes and a tea tree oil mixture for your mats. We encourage everyone to take precautions to keep themselves and their loved ones healthy and safe. We ask that you bring your own mats and blankets if you have them to class for now and practice good hygiene, washing your hands often. If you are sick please respect others and stay home until you are better.
This is our passion. We don’t just teach yoga, we live it. It is part of our daily lives. Do not hesitate to contact Tommy and Lori with any questions or concerns. 805-260-0053.